Latest Episodes
Homemaker & Helpmeet: Our God Given Purpose
Praise God for those who may have stumbled into homemaking, but it’s more than just being home for the sake of being home. It’s...
Our Love Story. How We Met.
Never underestimate the “and suddenlies” of God. I was 25 years old, never had a boyfriend, went to Africa, and was married 6 months...
Dynamics of Girls & College
Should Christian daughters go to college? Are men and women equal or do they have unique roles? What are alternatives for girls who don’t...
Home as Your Mission Field
Popular church culture wants you to run its programs, while neglecting your household. We discuss a woman’s first mission of her marriage, children and...
How and Why to Use a Grain Mill for Fresh Milled Flour
Part of the Building the Home Economy Series, I give every practical tip I have for overcoming the learning curve of using a grain...
No Victimhood. No Despair. Understanding the Times.
Understanding that God made you a part of a people group, when globalism wants to eradicate cultures. We share on what we believe is...