Latest Episodes
Are You Winning Son? A Gameplan For Masculine Success
Scott talks building towards success through layers of Family, Local Economy, and Tribal Institutions.
Homemaking & Homeschooling As Cultural Strategy
You want to change the world? It starts at home!
Sexual Market Value: Teen Marriage, College, Dating
Sharing hard things that culture has lied about and refuses to talk about. Sexual market value is a real thing. Young girls should aspire...
Homemaker Chats: Fire Cider, Pickle Recipes, Onion Harvest
In this episode, I am sharing with you my most recent homemaking projects from making Fire Cider, Spicy Pickles and our onion harvest! God...
Women Doctors, Teachers, Nurses?
Today we are addressing a comment on our Submission video: “Where I live, what you are talking about doesn’t exist. Religion is almost nonexistent...
No Male or Female in Christ? -Comments on Submission
We answer the question… “What about Galatians 3:28, there is no male or female, Jew or Gentile because all are equal now in Christ?...