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Triggered By Submission
Our response to your comments on our original Submissive Wife, Confident Husband video. Follow us on youtube: Scott and Kelli@homewithkelli @couragemylads
What Denomination Are You? How Much Money Do You Make?
The two questions we get asked the most.Find us on youtube: Scott and Kelli @couragemylads @homewithkelli
Your Valid Exception Does Not Disprove God's Ways
Why we don’t entertain negative testimonies left on our videos. Find us on youtube: Scott and Kelli @homewithkelli @couragemylads
Mountain Rose Herbs Gave Money to an Abortion Doula
Why we no longer buy from Mountain Rose Herbs, Thorne Supplements, and Dr Bronner’s. A great alternative to Dr. Bronners soap bar for laundry...
Most People Don't Understand Homemaking & That's Okay...
Have you ever been to a family event and someone asks you what your doing… you say homemaking and get a blank stare… here’s...
Moving Towards Localism
Direction is more important than speed. It can be overwhelming to go from shopping big box store straight to trying to find all you...